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Who We Are
The Ice Dam USA is an ice dam removal company based in Minnesota and servicing all of the United States. The only problem is we can't cover such a large area ourselves! We have been offering ice dam removal in Minnesota since 1992 and started offering ice dam removal in the entire USA since 2009.

Ice Dam USA is always looking to expand our service area. Please fill out our application below. Ice Dam USA offers one contractor jobs within each service area. When your service area is to busy to keep up with other companies will be outsourced to help. You will always be offered the jobs first from your service area but will be outsourced after if you are completely booked. Pictured is the owner Shawn SR. Once you fill out the form below he will be the one to give you a call. This photo was taken in Minneapolis MN in 2009 during one of the worst outbreaks Minnesota has ever seen.

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